A massive thank you

As a parent whose child has sensory needs and anxiety, and a parent who has been accused of Fabricating and Inducing Illness by school and family/friends (due to a lack of awareness of additional needs and how they present), I wanted to say how much every single parent who comes to Helping Kids Shine with a similar background will be so grateful that the whole business not only appreciates and supports children and their families far beyond other organisations but are also prepared to advocate for those children with local services and schools to ensure that all children have a voice within meetings about their wellbeing and futures.

All too often, parents’ views are dismissed, and opinions of educational setting based staff – who may have minimal training in supporting children with additional needs – are placed higher than those who interact with the children the most.

A massive thank you from every parent I have personally spoken to and communicated with both locally and nationally over the last 8 years whose children are unable to participate in education due to unmet additional needs.

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