I am a mum of a 7 year old Little boy with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Pathological Demand Avoidance amongst other things. I was looking for a sensory assessment along with fine and gross motor skills. I needed a proper thorough investigation of my little boy’s needs as assessments done in the sensory and OT areas previous to Bryher’s report were very basic and didn’t identify MY sons needs. Bryher was excellent in managing to assess my son; she was patient and understood it was a very difficult task due to his other needs. Bryher got what she needed and wrote a amazing in-depth detailed report that covered everything. All my son’s OT and sensory needs are now identified and also provision to support these. Asking Bryher to assess my son was one of the best decisions I have ever made and wish I had done it sooner.
Bryher continue to do what you do and being amazing while you do it.